a lot going on here on the ranch.
canning the produce of the garden, dehydrating herbs and other stuff, building the "Pour-house", eliminating coyotes and poisonous snakes, making a lot of Rum and Bourbon "infusions".
The garden was producing pretty well until the temps started going into triple-digits and it seems no matter how much water i used, it all dried up and pasted on to the compost bin. along with the scorching heat, the stink bugs were really bad this year and took out most of the Roma tomatoes.
i got a butt-load of peppers before the heat and pickled, dried and frozen a lot of them.
we got about 20lbs of potatoes and 12lbs of onions this year - onions went to the dehydrator and we canned all the potatoes.
The "Pour house" will be where i move all my beer making and cooking activities to when it's finished. it's where i have the deep freeze and beer frig also. just outside the pour house is the smokers (hot and cold smokers) and also my carcass hoist for butchering anything from a small hog to a full steer. coyotes have taken out all but 4 of my chickens and my momma goose and the last of the original guinea hens. i've set snares and cameras around to get a reading on their patterns to be able to efficiently set the snares.
the chicken snakes haven't been so bad this year, but i've now eliminated 4 copperheads within a few feet of the house. just the other morning i was putting the dogs out for their morning pee and there was a 4' copperhead at the back steps. The Taurus judge with a #6 shot 410 shell took care of it.
we were starting to get over run with bunnies and squirrels, but since the coyotes started coming in i'm seeing their numbers diminish quickly.